Sunday, February 7, 2010

TEACUP and Radio…

OMG Its hardly been a week and we already missed a day for posting *gasp*  That’s not great guys.  LOL It's not that serious, but seriously we should have 7 members, meaning technically, each of us only have to post once a week for this to be a daily thing (well I'd like to think daily means that it'll stay alive).  I was intending to post yesterday but I didn’t want to post twice in a row but now I feel like it doesn’t really matter if I do.  I was actually waiting for another member of TEACUP, a new blogger, DeezedGangstaBriyani to post, but he got  carried away with his political lovers. 

Oh yeah, just to mention, TEACUP is actually how we refer to ourselves by in real life too ;P.  Funny how it started, at first we were just a bunch of friends getting tired of calling ourselves “The Group” (cause we know how lame that was).  And set ourselves on discovering a new name to describe our “uniqueness.”  At first we were going to just think of a random name but we decided to use abbreviations.  After a lot of blood, sweat, laugher, debates and fails, [CENCORED] came up with TEACUP ;D.

By the way, CENCORED is only going to be used until the damn people make a penname.

Somehow I came to talking about TEACUP when I originally wanted to bring up radios.  Oh well, I still have time, don’t you hate it when the radios constantly play the same songs over and over again in a day? Not even that, they play the same songs for like months EVERY SINGLE DAY AT THE ALMOST THE SAME TIME.  I mean for people who like the songs, I guess it’s alright, but what about the songs you can’t stand?  I hate it when songs I don’t even like get stuck in my head (rah-rah-ah-ah-ah, roma-roma-ma).  I mean if people seriously wanted to listen to the same songs over and over, they should just like download them! On iTunes of course…

Meh despite that, I love radio <3.  The commentaries are sometimes actually funny and I understand that in the end the songs are just there because they are popular.  If I really have a problem I should just stick with my iPod (but the radio gives me a chance of listening to songs that I like but are too afraid to admit and make it sound like I have no choice ;P).

Oh well, that was probably my longest post yet, BYE BYE!

- RetributiveJustice


  1. Seriously... does missing a day really mean that much? And its ok if you post twice, you pretty much take over this whole thing. But ya... I hate that song too..Never understood why people liked it..

  2. D; I don't want to take it over! It's a group thing!

  3. Aww lol...Justice...I agree with the whole radio thing... it gets annoying.
