Thursday, February 11, 2010

My Rant Against Bladders

Okay, so it's my first post here, and the title says it all. Or not.

Now, since this does happen to be my very first post (and personal encounter with a blog, other than the times I happen to randomly stumble across such hoopla and whatnot), so I was wondering what I should write about; I figured, hey this is like my first impression, it has to be good.

I, apparently, during a first-time encounter, give off the aura of a typical, yet icy asian girl. (Adjectives I have gathered from friends and acquaintances...but I digress.)

Yes, so back to first impressions; I felt that I might as well be random and interesting, rather than normal and...well, icy.

So, bladders.

I liken them to be like balloons. Probably.

But you know what makes me mad? Mad, as in like "WHAT THE SHIT!" mad?!


Quite frankly, a lot of things now that I think about it. Like when you try to make a dramatic exit and you run into a table. Or when you eat an apple and the skin gets stuck in your teeth. Or when you're brushing your teeth and you swallow some nasty concoction of fluoride and saliva. Or when you try to help someone and they punch you in the eye.

And yes, all of the above have happened to me...although the eye thing really was just an accident.

Anyways, back on to bladders.

So, I'm sitting in front of this computer, and I have to go pee. Yes, yes, typical, right? WRONG.

Well, no. That actually was pretty much it.

Off and out, fellow cups. Don't drink too much. ;)



  1. LMAOOOOO I love you Cheerio! Nice first post

  2. every time i go into french class, i suddenly gain the urge to pee. justice knows all about that...
