Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Poem I wrote in class

I wrote this poem during class. Enjoy?

There when you're down

to make you laugh

and imitate a clown

in an empty cove

lighting it up like a town

and a beautiful dove

is coloured in as a proper noun

filling up with love

more precious than a crown

slips from your lips as a glove

that was once going to drown

surprisingly rises to solve

why you were down

Reaching up to a galaxy of butter

as it grows wings and becomes a butterfly

friends know what to utter

even from a mile away

to make you smile the way

you did as a child chasing flies

through a fire blossoming fireflies

that then fly into a cloudy sky

turning and swirling to the

earth's tranquil rhythm sweet like pie

filled with northern lights forming a path

to a friendship that will last forever


forever can never be over



  1. Ouu that was very pretty ;D great way to start out your first post

  2. Never knew you were a poet Greenpotatochip. It's really good :)

  3. Wow...who knew you had it in you...Awesome post for your bi-weekly scheduled poetry.

  4. I would just like to state, JUSTICE, that the potato chip wrote this AFTER i read him an excerpt of a complicated kindness. :D!

    ._. okay no i didn't.

    good sir! i support your art as always, it's so nice as well that you have strangers commenting... how strange and exhilarating. next post~photography....!

  5. I wonder who the Anonymous comment is from... :O

    Yes next post photography for sure :D

    Thank you TEACUP and ChaoticXSinZ and Anonymous

  6. Greenpotatochip! WOW amazing starter! Arent you the one who handed me some bagel and cheese today? Loved the outfit by the way (:

  7. Tia14 I think you have me mistaken for someone else xD But Thank you anyways :D
