Friday, February 26, 2010

“Black” History Month and Whipped

Hello people, tis I, CollateralDamage, from Anthropology class!  This is a first.  We have a supply teacher today and we’re reading chapter 6 and making notes/answering questions.  Even though I am going to take economics next year, for now I have no interest in it. 

I usually start with the questions because there is no way I can write or type all the notes in the limited amount of time given. 

Anyways, we have our “black” history month assembly, today and if you read cheerio’s post, you’d know how I feel about it. 

I don’t see why they are so celebrated in this month.  Sure the “whites” did a lot of crap to them, but it’s over.  I don’t know why you wanna remind yourself of that time.  Just move on with your life.  Don’t fricken claim racism when you should be using your time to prove yourself and shut them up.  I’m sorry if I sound racist, but it annoys me when people claim there is racism going on.

Anyway’s it’s time for my daily bitching at the TEACUP boys.  I was so disappointed in Greenpotatochip, he just recently gained a person and I see him hanging out with her fellow grade nine friends, just like DeezedGangstaBriyani.  He is totally going to get whipped… It’s funny how all the guys in teacup when in relationships are whipped (DUN DUN DUNNNNN).  While the girls are bossy in their relationships, we wear the pants people ;D

Sorry, I like bitching about the guys since they never do anything with this blog.  I think us girls provide the testosterone for this blog.  We don’t need their estrogen ;D

- CollateralDamage


  1. while i shall stray away from commenting on the black history month portion of your blog... :)

    but yes! quite true. where are all the boys who boss around girls and make them squeal and say "you're so meaaan! you're soo meaaan!!!" while loving every moment of it? well, not those boys and girls. but more so the boys who go, "NO, I WILL NOT PUT ON MAKE UP FOR YOUR AMUSEMENT." *DRAW ON GIRL'S FACE WITH PURPLE LIP STICK*

    woah. how come i feel like the girls of teacup would more likely act like the boys i just described?

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. *censored* ~ le gasp.
