Thursday, April 29, 2010

Happy Birthday Hannah

You're a 17 year old bum.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Flower 2 of 3~


Monday, April 26, 2010

Cynical Diary Post #1

Dear Diary,

Today, I came to the cruel realization, what lives must die.  What can last forever?  Everything can be destroyed.   If we strive to make our names live on, through time, your name will soon die.  Many great people's names are scratched out in history, forgotten.  Is it worth living?  In the end we all end up as dust.


So, since we are all quickly losing interest in this blog.  I decided to keep my interest by starting this line of "Cynical Diary" posts.  They are purely meant for entertainment purposes and I don't really hold those views myself.

Flower 1 of 3~


Saturday, April 17, 2010

Revival :D

A thousand needles piercing a once lonely soul
Deaf to all but the sirens of pain
Tears moistening the dried off heart
Reviving the humanly beats of feeling


Short, but I was bored :D
I felt that it would be a nice poem that ... I don't know, it just seemed to fit...  and with what's been happening, I just think it's interesting to realize that the pain felt represents the lack of happiness before it.

Friday, April 16, 2010


imNOTjohn here with super awesome updates from my exciting life and an inside joke I remembered while walking home Thursday that you guys might or might not remember. Not really sure but whatever.

But yes, let's start with business! Updates, updates, updates.

1. My "Iowa Adventures" (TM) have been post phoned for now because my sister won't take her stupid butt off the computer and my other computer exploded. Oh and the other, other one just isn't connected and I can't figure out a way to install the wireless devil. >:l

2. I found a new band called ASH. Here's a link that goes to my favorite song by them, clicky click!
Oh and here's some lyrics to take up space.


Light up, spark the detonator

Now I'm homeward bound, way to see you later

If you make that step you're the instigator

Got my mind made up, I'll be your navigator

If you want me to travel over moonlit miles

For a precious smile

Following my lonely heart

Call on me, take me...

3. I was sick for like, two weeks but I'm now 5000%. Apparently, because I'm suddenly seeing sunlight again (exercising), I've developed some weird sore muscle or inflammation in the middle of my chest that causes excessive pain to my throat and about everything that passes through that area (breathing, eating, drinking). So for about two or so weeks, I've had trouble breathing and eating. I think I lost like, five pounds because I had to eat nothing but congee.

Funny thing is, the first week my doctor said it was just throat infection. Sadly, that was from the dirty pool water I swallow every Saturday (not on purpose) so they didn't figure out what was wrong with me until a week later (after the infection went away).

4. I'm officially allergic to scratches. If you could see my arm right now, you'd think I'd have a tumor in it.

That's it for updates :D! Now back to the inside joke thingymabobber.

I was walking home Thursday and I was being really childish (picking flowers, trying not to step on cracks etc.) and then I walked passed that park with the shed. The one with the see-saw and the swings.

Yeah, you know what I'm talking about. In grade 9 we made up this joke that this park was basically what went on inside my head and the shed was entirely full of drugs like Tylenol because I got headaches frequently.

And I don't know why we made this up or what type of drug we were on but seriously, I think that shed made my day.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Drama~ ... and other stuff...

Well, I haven't posted anything worth reading in a while, and I probably won't however, I am going to try to post like I used to.

This week (Sunday to now, Thursday), I've been watching the Taiwanese drama, Autumn's Concerto (a.k.a Next Stop, Happiness) non stop.  In total, I spent around 24.5 hours (21 episodes X 70 mins per episode) in these five days trying to complete it, and voila, I'm done.  Now, I have another drama to complete which I left on hold because I was so into Autumn's Concerto.  Although it's cliche, it's nice to see a somewhat more serious drama compared to all those lovey dovey romance dramas (even though this was a romance).

Has anyone (when I say this, I particularly mean cheerio) noticed that the Japanese dramas are more "mature" than any other of the countries?

Anyways, I've suddenly started using my laptop again and I don't use my netbook at home anymore... no particular reason...  It's not like the speed changes, I guess it just feels better to have a big screen than just the little netbook one.

Sorry for the randomness, I just don't know what to talk about anymore...


Monday, April 12, 2010

Far Away ~

My tea's gone cold I'm wondering why I..
got out of bed at all
The morning rain clouds up my window..
and I can't see at all
And even if I could it'd all be gray,
but your picture on my wall
It reminds me, that it's not so bad,
it's not so bad.. (Stan, Eminem ft. Dido)

Been friends for a while now I'd say
used to be real close back in the day
now we're moving further away
scribbling with my pen what I want to say
when your not there for me to say them to
you say your a busy person, I know its true
only thing keepin us together now are my letters
we've moved mountains but now we're blocked by craters
and it feels like I'm the only one trying to go across them
if you dont want to make an effort thats fine
just tell me I won't draw the line
dont take this wrong I still wanna be friends
just pointing out all strong ties come to ends
I'll write you another letter
if you reply I won't go and look for somethin better
the storms rollin in and its getting wetter
I admire rain and feel them fall on my face
it's like they're keepin my life in pace
At night I go for walks lookin for a place
I don't know what exactly but I'll find it soon
before its to late and I get lost in a typhoon
looking down on what could have been
your oblivious to what's being seen
you need to see it yourself in the blue of my gene
well I'm done my letter I'll mail it later when I'm better
walk down each row and you'll know
in my life you're only a shadow
just look at it through a rain covered window

My tea's gone cold I'm wondering why I..
got out of bed at all
The morning rain clouds up my window..
and I can't see at all
And even if I could it'd all be gray,
but your picture on my wall
It reminds me, that it's not so bad,
it's not so bad..


Sunday, April 11, 2010


I've officially KICKED you all out of TEACUP!

In other words, for MSN, you guys are no longer in the TEACUP conversation and are free to live your life without having being forced to talk to any of us.


Wednesday, April 7, 2010


I just realized I haven't posted in 10 days o.o

Anyways, after doing my English response on Song of Solomon yesterday, I realized how much of a loser-ish life I had.  I literally had nothing to do and noticed my life consists of reading, watching dramas, playing games and doing homework, without those I have nothing else to do.  i don’t have much of a social life where I can’t even find someone entertaining to talk to on MSN –.-  I don’t even watch TV anymore because my mom decided to change our cable service to basic since no one ever watches TV besides my sister…

I’m always surfing between five sites constantly hoping something new happened: Gmail, hotmail, teacup, onemanga and the site where I watch my dramas… I’m such a loser T.T  I don’t like online arcade games because I’m a person with no drive to beat games, nor do I find social networking sites (facebook) fun >.>

Well, I decided to post something since I haven’t in so long and I’m just sitting in front of my locker with [CENCORED] and I’m bored… and I think I’m able to entertain her with my post.

- FriendlyFIRE

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

War with Herself

I remember those really depressing(or melodramatic)times where my other 'alternative' friend and I though we were part of a secrete kind of, " SCREW SOCIETY" organization where we were super rebellious and just plain misunderstood because no one could understand what we believed in.

So yes, we dressed "emo" if you want to call it but I prefer the term "alternative" or "off beat" because we didn't slash our wrists surprisingly and we were happy; just not with society.

We were total Faux Fur-PEDA-tree hugging peace lovers who detested the social hierarchy and believed all we really needed was our own intuition and just general respect for everything living. Like really, who needs these stupid rules and regulations to put us down right? And my gosh, have you seen how they made veal?

And God dammit, I was proud. Ashamed now but I was proud. We thought we were saving the world. We thought we were this entirely new mind set that was so original and so different we couldn't relate to most of the world and ended up shunning ourselves. I guess this is where the word "emo" comes from.

Although I did grow up (mentally) and realized how stupid we were because in the end you can't win a war with just two people and black clothes, she didn't.

Something happened (no one really knows) and she immediately cut off all ties to the outside world; threw away her phone, msn, facebook and broke up with her boyfriend and changed schools. All in one week.

She was known to act out randomly and go into sudden spirals of rebellious hormonal insanity but then float back down to Earth. So the week she began to wipe herself off the face of humanity, I didn't really take her seriously. I don't think anyone did until she was gone.

So hey, if you're reading this, tell us you're alive. Thanks.

Saturday, April 3, 2010

sodium scandium nitrate. ! *dance*


yesterday i was at deezed's pink house and we frosted a cake. no, actually, no we didn't. we did work. yeah. work. i shall give you a little list of the things we did.

10.00 am: arrival. deezed wakes up (finally), opens the door all unshaven and gross, looks outside to see my dad still parked at the road, and tries to hide his hobo appearance, --fails.

10.03 am: deezed invites me to the basement washroom so i can watch him brush his teeth for five hours. no seriously. he actually told his mom as she began to clean his room "i'm going to show her how i brush my teeth". or something like that.

*five hours after he brushes his teeth*: we finally get to his computer where i am greeted by his lovely desktop picture of him and goku (yes, the one from dragon ball) drinking ten litres of milkshake. THEN i start freaking out because it has only been an hour since i read cheerio's post. i show it to deezed, and watch his face, but he fails to become excited. after he finishes reading, he asks, "who is this?" and i yell cheerio's name. his jaw drops and his eyes fall out of their sockets. he stays like that for a few minutes until he turns into a statue. i calmly pick up his eyeballs and pluck them back in.

*working*: blahblahblah

sometime after that: deezed's sister calls us over so we can help her frost a cake. i eat scraps of cake. and more scraps of cake. then she gives us a remaining cake. more on that later.

1.30pm: deezed's mom enters the room with two plates of food. deezed forces me eat with my hands so i can be brown, so i scoop rice and spinach and a cassava thing and..other things with my hands into my mouth, but still feel chinese. especially since i start sweating and my nose starts running because of the spiciness. OMG I COULD BLOW FIRE. no, not really. it wasn't that spicy, i am just... ._. a failure. BUT YES, WORLD! i ate with my hands! *smiles like i saved 9875983668 puppies*

*work work work work*: ah, it is so hard. deezed keeps talking to goku about pokemons and then starts to call people for his project. i start to ignore him and dance around in a chicken suit to tokyo police club's your english is good.

4.30ish pm: we quit trying to make progress with our project and take a break to FROST THE CAKE =D! we frost and frost the cake with mounds of sugarsugar and then sujen pipes S N on it and we rain stale sprinkles onto it. we cut it into four pieces and stuff our faces with two of them. yumyumyumyum. AND FOR SOME REASON STUPID DEEZED STARTS USING MY CHEEK AS A SLICE OF CAKE. he wipes frosting on my cheek and then started to decorate it with sprinkles. :@:@:@:@:@ !!!! his mom starts to lecture him but suddenly he's some ACTOR and pulls off some show about how i did it to myself. :@@:@:@::@@:@:@:!!!!!! the frosting goes in my hair and then i cry for five nights to the demon lord.

5.00pm: *workworkworkworkwork* blahblahblahblah. we quit and i call home so i can LEAVE HELL. but my mom says my dad is still fighting mojojojo (who is ironically one of my goldfishes' name) so i'd have to wait fifteen minutes before he actually left to get me. i end up waiting for an hour with a hairy brown man next to me. D:

OH TOOHOOHOOHOOHOO. it was fun. part two commences on sunday.

listening to: vampire weekend
eating: expired cheese with my mom

update: my goodness! i totally forgot to share with the world our cake.



Friday, April 2, 2010

Iowa adventures

I realized I haven't actually told anyone the awesome details of my trip to Iowa (Hicks ville) so yeah, here you go.

Plus I'm sick so drawing and scanning is all I can really do.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

On Courtship & Whatnot

Guess what?

I'm courting. (I refuse to use the other [DISGUSTING] term, otherwise known as "dating".)


I kid you not. I got a...partner...

This is awkward.

As for information about him:

Name: Kim Jae Wook ("Jae") - he'd kill me if he knew I was posting information about him online...

And I can't say much else, except that he's fairly Scratch that. He's...interesting. Which means I probably won't get bored of him. Which is great. I hope he doesn't get raped from all the exposure I've given him. D:

I shall tell you more on our gathering sometime this weekend~ (Monday, right?)
