Friday, March 12, 2010

News: New Jester Wanted

Here ye, here ye yonder hobo. If you are reading this, you can read. That's already a requirement needed to get a fantastic new job as jester for the amazing, awesome and tall king, imNOTjohn.

Other requirements:
  1. Loyalty. You revolt, you better like sharks.
  2. Humor. Come on, you're a jester.
  3. No Dignity. You're going to loose it anyways with the funny hat and large shoes. Oh and the bells, defiantly the bells.
  4. Singing Ability. She might be king but she's not rich. We can't afford tone deaf people breaking anymore windows.
  5. Can Regenerate Another Head. The old jester could, why can't you?
You're funny (looking) enough for this job! Why not take it? I am willing to pay double of what you are currently get (then take it back through endless taxes)! Absolutely no risk!

So come on down to our castle on 12 Castle drive. It's the better looking one. Bring your resume, an arrangement of jokes and some money because you probably owe imNOTjohn tax money.