Thursday, March 25, 2010




  1. the 3am picture is so much more calming that your 3am post :P! LOL

    i love floor level pictures! >< there's sooo much darkness... and that little light..soo cool, so cool x)!

    LOL i like your chairs! so old-fashioned-like. whoopee.

  2. LOL yeah it is isnt :O

    I love floor level pictures too everything looks so much more interesting from the floor :D.

    And thanks (:

    i noticed a wierd reflection in the window that i can't explain what it is :S.

  3. LOL i don't see a weird reflection in the window.. but don't tell me what you see or else i might get nightmares if it's scary o.o XD

    yaah, totally...~ i wonder if it's interesting to be a bug o.o maybe. kind of terrifying.

  4. its in the window on the far left. And okay i won't :P.

    You would see the world in a whole new perspective :D.

    I'd be a mouse not a bug they get squished to often D:
