Wednesday, March 17, 2010


So I’m reading this manga, Immortal Regis, and it’s sequel, Cavalier Of The Abyss and I just had to mention it because it’s the most confusing manga (more correctly manwha) that I have ever read… I do not follow the story line at all and I don’t understand what’s going on… but for some strange reason I am still reading it none the less. 

Ever experienced that?  When you’re caught up in some form of media where you are lost but just can’t seem to give it up? 

It happens to me a lot in fantasy when all these cool things happen, but is so confusing because you don’t know exactly how it happened and then suddenly, something else happens without explanation as well…

On a different note, I’m sort of curious who actually reads the blog anymore, are our post just getting boring and old?  It doesn’t really matter because this is just for TEACUP’s amusement, but I’m still curious.

I was kind of wondering if we should also add vloging, at this point I’m sure that you all know who we are because of DeezedGangstaBriyani’s oh so obvious posts… but then again, vlogging seems kind of weird and we don’t always have much to say…

- FriendlyFIRE


  1. due to lack of comments, we are probably not the most popular kids in school :(

    LOL xD! but i say go with the vbloggggg!

  2. vlogging sounds interesting, we should try it and see how it works out :D
