Well, I’m back from my two day break! Did you all miss me? I haven’t really had the opportunity to blog, mainly because I could not think of anything. However, I’m in English class right now and we have a free reading period for The Sailor Who Fell From Grace with the Sea and I finished it during the summer ;D. As we all know a lot of creativity can come out of boredom so I was hoping it would happen.
I actually have a lot of work I could be doing instead of this however, for once (I actually mean for once), I don’t feel like doing any work in class when we have free reign on what work we want to do.
Oh yeah! Tonight is the half excuse for a formal! I don’t understand why the Student Council decided to make it a Halloween themed party. In my opinion, a mask themed party would be better suited for a full FORMAL because with the masks, they never really match unless you have some wack dress or costume along side it. I don’t even think half the people who show up are going to be wearing masks just because it is not very good looking and it’s weird. I’m sorry DeezedGangstaBriyani that I’m complaining about all the hard work you and your political friends are planning.
Aside from the weirdness of the theme, I am actually excited. We never to do anything half-formal as this so it’s a one year opportunity, to hang out with your friends and dress up and act like adults (well for some people you get the sense of a bit of sophistication). To bad some people (*cough* shewhosleepswithstars *cough*) don’t enjoy these social events and decide to not participate (there is no way to cough her name without making it sound like a cough… maybe a sneeze…).
On another note, I love brackets… I mean those things () I always add into my sentences. When I was in grade nine and I learned I shouldn’t be using them in my essays, I was crushed… They make the extra crap you want to put in flow whereas, when you use commas sometimes it doesn’t look/sound right. As much as I try to avoid their use, no one is going to be marking my grammar so I can use as many as I want ;D (I misspelled grammar with Grammy… yes I thank you for the award ;P).
Since I was gone for two days, as I have already told cheerio, I feel like I need to make it up by making an extra long post. I’ve noticed my posts have lost all their humor D: What do you guys think? I guess it’s just because I have not been in a good mood lately… I don’t know why, it’s just a random loss of enthusiasm for life.
I am probably going to be super busy this weekend (period long seminar, and a 1200 word essay for HISTORY), so I won’t be posting for a bit. But knowing me, I’ll probably procrastinate and end up posting for fun anyways. Nonetheless, if I suddenly decided to be a good student and work, you won’t be hearing from me for a good amount of time. Hopefully, other people will be able to post instead.
See you next time!
- CollateralDamage
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