Thursday, February 11, 2010

Doing Something Productive ;D

Today I basically have three periods to do my EE, in other words, three periods to talk to you people ;D  This is what you consider productive socially and emotionally rather than academically.

I have sadbob-gangsterpants beside me ;P  He was one of the only people able to correctly guess who everyone on our blog is ;D And apparently likes singing the Carebear theme song.

sadbob-gangsterpants: yo guys me and justice are chillin out in our english class during our temps de libre heheheheh yeah i can speak French

So this post is going to be one post that is really long depending on how bored I am. 


You know. I was watching Oprah yesterday (NO COMMENT), and I’d realize how I’d hate to be Jesus.  He has over 750,000 wives (nuns consider themselves his wives) and unable to do ANYTHING with them (if you get what I mean).  He has to support them and listen to them all mumble at him everyday. 

imNOTjohn: There’s something wrong with you, you’re going to hell

You know, I’d agree except I don’t believe in “hell.”

OMG! shewhosleepswithstars is actually working on her math review!  Well she looks like she is…  Oh look DeezedGangstaBriyani joined her, and they are reviewing.  Totally a moment in history, those two together and working, usually they would do stuff that almost sound like mating calls but they have their own persons.  (If I never post again suspect my murder by those two). 

So right now I’m face to face (with netbooks between us) with imNOTjohn, she’s attempting to find some dirt on DeezedGangstaBriyani, not that it’s very hard, all you have to do is glance at him and something will be weird. 

I think shewhosleepswithstars just faked a suicide attempt, the horrors of math ;P

I feel bad that I’m not taking the opportunity to work, again…  So while I am typing this post, so is imNOTjohn, she’s at a writers block and claims she can’t people watch, but we all know every member of TEACUP can people watch. 

I am hurt, DeezedGangstaBriyani has time to write a one page essay about how he can improve his grades for FUN but can’t seem to bring himself to write a paragraph for our blog. 

This is going to be a long post of me rambling about different things, I’m just trying to make up for all our members who are not active. 

shewhosleepswithstars is eating now, she gave up on studying and is instead eating, but still trying to work, good job for her…

shewhosleepswithstars: me and deezed guy do not make mating calls while we are with each other! they are war cries. that’s how i feel when i have to be in his presence… plus! yes thank you. i’m very good at math…

Yes, shewhosleepswithstars is so godly at math no one can begin to comprehend her…


Well afterschool, I went to CupCake1’s house to make cupcakes with CupCake2 (hence the names).  Who ever thought baking could be so fun yet so tiring, we spent hours making love (as CupCake2 put it). Half of it was to SPECIALLY DESIGN the cupcake hearts.  We failed a few times and ended up eating a bunch of them just because they seemed unpresentable.

Afterwards, we had another hour or so to kill so we decided to curl our hair with a hair straighteners… oh the IRONy (LMAO SOMEHOW THAT’S CRACKING ME UP, I know I’m lame…).

Anyways, I just discovered that CupCake1 is REALLY scary when eager, when she told me to “get up” so she can curl my hair FIRST, I cowered behind her 8 year old sister… ME BEHIND EIGHT YEAR OLD…Somehow, we got CupCake2 to go before me, so that was comforting.

(Anyways, if you hadn’t noticed, I deleted my original post about the love making and combined it with this one.)

I’d like to welcome Cheerio to the TEACUP team (FINALLY) at 12 o’clock midnight… 
All for today!

- RetributiveJustice

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