Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Theory of Love

The hell is with the ToK assignment? Love? We’re already deteriorating every bit of truth we know and questioning it to the core and now we’re analyzing the concept of love?

I don’t write down what I thought of the person when I supposedly fell in this ditch we call “love” nor did I document my feelings that built up to the moment when I tripped. The hell does she want me to write?

I understand our quest for knowledge has to go “outside boundaries” (or at least that’s what I think she said) but you can’t analyze love. It’s just, love.

I never thought of how much I hate the sound. We should start calling love serendipity. “I fell into serendipity!” or “He and she are in serendipity~”, something along those lines.

Okay now it sounds like a name. “Hello my name is Serendipity. You may call me Seren or Dipity.” That’s awesome but now my examples from before sound dirty.

Alright back on the subject, what if someone didn’t fall in love or even know what love is. What do they do? Write about someone else who fell in love? Bullshit about their dream person and how it didn’t go so well? The concept of love is hardly something you can just say you fell in like mud. It’s a never ending ditch.

I really don’t like ToK, it and like all the other subjects I don’t like, it gives me hives D: <

And one last thing, using Romeo and Juliet as sub names are fake and gay.

1 comment:

  1. i got an A+ on the tok 'quest' :D

    LOL. sorry. i just wanted to comment on your post. i have strange conceptions regarding the term, idea..or... picture that is "love", so i dunno how i feel about telling them and making people who read this think i never make sense. '---'
