Tuesday, February 2, 2010

First Post = Yey!

Well, looks like I’m up first ;P It’s funny, we have been planning this forever and we finally (*cough* I *cough*) took the initiative to actually make an account. Let’s just hope it actually lasts unlike our other failed attempts at our lovey dovey group stuff.

I’m actually using Windows Live Writer, I don’t know about you guys, but to me there’s just something epic about using another program to replace the “normal” thing you would use. Like I mean the format for posting a blog on this ain’t that pretty ;P I don’t even use the normal email sites, I just replace it with Windows Live Email… (seeing a pattern here?)

Windows just makes everyday things more pretty <3

(Millions of objections inserted here, windows is a failure… blah blah blah) IT’S AN OPINION!

Well, I would continue but I actually have a bed time (or a time I’d prefer to sleep so I don’t act dead tomorrow). Lets wish ourselves luck and that we actually pull through and not be failures!

- RetributiveJustice

P.S - My name does not mean I'm a serious critical of society freak ;D

1 comment:

  1. I like windows )':
    How else am I going to yell at birds from high buildings.

    Oh you mean that Window...
    I like that too.
