every night, i turn on worcestor (which is what i call my walkman) and go through my songs on shuffle to choose which artist i'll listen to for the night. after i've chosen, i will then wrap worcestor up in a pillow case, tuck it under a pillow next to me, hope the wires don't entangle with my neck and choke me to death in my sleep, and drift off to dream for how many hours i have. or start trying to, at the very least.
last night, i was scanning through my songs when i stopped at 'the tip of the iceberg', by owl city. however, instead of listening to his drawling, boyish voice, i was introduced to a still drawling, but deep, slurring, slow-mo version of adam young.
i sort of froze there, with a 'wtr' expression on my face, and then started to look at the screen over and over, making sure i was listening to the song i thought i was listening to, that my walkman wasn't spazzing, that my earphones weren't having a bad day. then i started thinking, oh my god, the monstarz are after me, i'm going to die once this song ends, a strange man is going replace this song playing to start a conversation with me, i think that's a girl staring at me at the doorway, why are there shadows flickering from outside?
the song was playing in slow-motion, i was lying there in the dark with this deep, distorted voice singing into my ears, and for some reason i thought it was a good idea to start recalling scenes from paranormal activity. i thought once i changed the song something would attack me, but at the same time i was dreading the moment when the song would actually end, because of course that was when something worse would devour me. i also thought the whole experience was the result of bad karma; payback for butchering the piglet.
in the end, the song (all six minutes of it) finished and the one that started after played normally. after a while of wondering what just happened, i chose an artist, wrapped worcestor in the pillow case, tucked that under my pillow, and looked to the direction of the hallway to check for any hanging bodies. i was relieved, but that didn't keep me from opening my eyes every ten seconds for the rest of the night, to make sure no one was hovering over my face.
that night i dreamt about myself freaking out over the whole thing. i tried showing deezed the warped version of 'the tip of the iceberg', but he, annoyed, blew me off because he needed to see his person. then i turned to my own person, who listened to a bit of it, but didn't think it was a big deal, and then excused himself to tend to his other duties.
however stranger, this afternoon i walked up to my bed to get worcestor to find it already on, its screen displaying the song i was listening to four hours earlier. it stayed lit up like that for about two seconds, then completely shut off.
i have come up with a few explanations for this whole ordeal:
1. i am going crazy. or i am paranoid. and i need more sleep
2. there is a ghost who really likes my music and wants to let me know
3. worcestor is telling me my music sucks and i need to start listening to gangsta rap
either way, why did i dream about people being so mean to me? D:
Sunday, February 28, 2010
listening to a deep, slurring, slow-mo version of adam young
Saturday, February 27, 2010
Today, cheerio and I invaded imNOTjohn’s house and we ended up watching movies and did other colourful things *winkwink*.
It brought back memories watching Disney movies. Do you remember the days when you were not ashamed to admit “I love Disney!” because before they were classic and good? But now, if you admit you love Disney, you’re basically grouped into “preteen” and looked down upon (that’s being over-dramatic).
Anyways, while watching Tarzan, we noticed a good amount of flaws that make no sense, for example, cheerio noticed that Tarzan had no body hair… he probably wouldn’t shave it since it’d make him fit in with the gorillas…
Anyways, I will not touch upon the colourful things we did because I’m guessing you guys don’t want to hear the details.
Until next time!
- CollateralDamage
Friday, February 26, 2010
If you’re not cool then you did not know I am a mathematic genius. And if you’re really REALLY not cool then you believed that. Now let me cry because I failed my test.
Alright I’m back! So while drawing on the board before math class started, Collateral Damage gave me an amazing idea. I will turn the two drawings of Zouie and CollateralDamage into characters for a cute comic.
Once I get my scanner working and photoshop on my computer, expect weekly comics. Unless I have no ideas then wait.
Anyways, where are all the men in TEACUP at? The hell iJohn? I might as well be you even though I’m clearly not. Post something, it’s not like you’re busy or anything with your GIRLISH FRIEND right?
Thought so.
straugh berli
i would just like to announce a piece of news, since it is very significant.
i, shewhosleepswithstars, got an A in my math test.
the last time i got an A in a math test was 9th grade. okay, technically, this time it was only A-. and we had two tests for the unit, and on the other i got a 69%. BUT STILL. I GOT AN A!
once upon there was a person named shewhosleepswithstars. she was very bad at math, and her math teacher looked at her with disappointment and disgust.
he would say, "i am disappointed in you. ...and disgusted".
but, one day two fairies came upon her, named banana and deezed. they cut open her stomach and added many things to her organs. such as, strawberries, and feathers, and blue liquid from an unborn pig. then they sewed her back up together. later, shewhosleepswithstars, during a few seconds of insanity, took a cute exacto knife and chopped off her arm, emotionlessly. sighing, deezed sewed that back on, as well.
a few days later shewhosleepswithstars, with her new stomach (which equals a new brain, of course), wrote a math test. a few days later, she got a perfect mark on it. the world made love, and all was peaceful.
i thank banana and deezed for their long hours of surgical procedures!
btw, these fat strawberries from price chopper are terrifying. not only are they almost the size of apples, they taste too perfect. too perfect, it's revolting. don't do drugs, kids.
“Black” History Month and Whipped
Hello people, tis I, CollateralDamage, from Anthropology class! This is a first. We have a supply teacher today and we’re reading chapter 6 and making notes/answering questions. Even though I am going to take economics next year, for now I have no interest in it.
I usually start with the questions because there is no way I can write or type all the notes in the limited amount of time given.
Anyways, we have our “black” history month assembly, today and if you read cheerio’s post, you’d know how I feel about it.
I don’t see why they are so celebrated in this month. Sure the “whites” did a lot of crap to them, but it’s over. I don’t know why you wanna remind yourself of that time. Just move on with your life. Don’t fricken claim racism when you should be using your time to prove yourself and shut them up. I’m sorry if I sound racist, but it annoys me when people claim there is racism going on.
Anyway’s it’s time for my daily bitching at the TEACUP boys. I was so disappointed in Greenpotatochip, he just recently gained a person and I see him hanging out with her fellow grade nine friends, just like DeezedGangstaBriyani. He is totally going to get whipped… It’s funny how all the guys in teacup when in relationships are whipped (DUN DUN DUNNNNN). While the girls are bossy in their relationships, we wear the pants people ;D
Sorry, I like bitching about the guys since they never do anything with this blog. I think us girls provide the testosterone for this blog. We don’t need their estrogen ;D
- CollateralDamage
Thursday, February 25, 2010
So to not miss another day, I will be your post-er for the day.
I just finished playing Rockband 2 ;D and decided to post since the oh so feminine males can’t find a minute in their oh so busy schedules to blog. Seriously, is it that hard? Honestly you just have to talk…
Anyways, I’ve fallen in love with the song “Girl’s Not Grey” by AFI (that I discovered through rockband). It’s fun to listen and sing ;D (except that damn ground part that goes beyond my vocal abilities… literally a full 10 seconds and it goes lower and lower like four times… if it didn’t change pitch I can last around 30 seconds).
To me it annoys me when I can’t get a low pitch. I can usually score all the high ones, but I’m reduced to changing octave whenever I’m forced to sing really low. Don’t you just hate it when that happens?
Since I am bored, I will comment on Teacup’s singing ability:
Moi: Apparently I’m pretty “good” but that’s debatable
shewhosleepswithstars: she’s good at singing, except she’s rather dramatize the tone and pitch for fun (which is funny ;D)
imNOTjohn: has a nice voice ;D but needs to be a bit more confident
cheerio: can sing, but needs to be more confident too
iJohn: he doesn’t sing much but he’s tone deaf :D
DeezedGangstaBriyani: … he doesn’t really sing, and half the time he’s rapping (which sorry to offend, I don’t consider rapping singing…) for jokes…
Greenpotatochip: I have never heard him sing… properly…
Well, I haven’t had much of a chance to hear them sing a lot. Mostly because they don’t like to D:< (except imNOTjohn sings around me all the time, nice soft voice ;D). And again, the boys never make an effort to participate in our oh so lovely singing. Damn boys, you have to hate the ones in teacup, except Greenpotatochip, he’s alright.
- CollateralDamage
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Well as all you incredibly busy people know, this week we have been tearing apart poor unborn pigs for our entertainment (lets face it, we didn’t really learn anything we didn’t already know, aside from how organs feel). Despite the disgust and clear animal cruelty, it was fun. Yelling “EWW” over and over again, poking at things that would have killed a live animal, and in shewhosleepswithstar’s case, castrating the poor animal.
It was incredibly entertaining how amused shewhosleepswithstars was when cutting off what we assumed were the pig’s man parts. DeezedGangstaBriyani and Greenpotatochip were there and had to turn away at shewhosleepswithstars’ cruelty. But in the end we discovered it was a girl… either way, it’s not going to be reproducing anytime soon…
Anyways, I was joking around about how we’re going to end up butchering the animal and shewhosleepswithstars started cutting off the pig’s arm… emotionlessly. She seemed so indifferent when doing it that it almost seemed naturally scary…
shewhosleepswithstars wasn’t the only amusing one. DeezedGangstaBriyani (I should really start using abbreviations…) was also interesting. For he who aspires to be a surgeon, the way he cut things was messy and scary. When we were trying to reveal the brain, he ended up stabbing the brain… (on the bright side, the brain feels no pain…). He had almost too much fun with his violent cutting…
As you can obviously see, with those two overly energetic (crazy) teacups, Greenpotatochip and I were too afraid to interfere, though Greenpotatochip was feeling a bit more than disgusted… I just lost interest in the pig and found interest in watching the surgeons at work.
I hope you enjoyed my return post since I haven’t really posted anything since last Friday (the other story post didn’t count since 85% of it was imNOTjohn).
- CollateralDamage
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
CollateralDamage and imNOTjohn
HELLO PERSONS! Tis I, CollateralDamage on imNOTjohn’s netbook for once. I hope y’all missed me in my three day absence. At least other people posted stuff. Thanks to cheerio, you got a bit of me without me having to talk.
imNOTjohn and I are in the cafeteria because for once, we don’t have to study, but everyone else does… So we are really bored. I don’t have much creativity right now. I’m in front of Cupcake1and beside sadbob (I can’t remember his name). I can’t even people watch because everyone is studying or eatting, that’s no fun…
Oh no! A gigantic dinosaur has crashed into the side of the cafeteria! Mayhem! Terror! People are screaming and swinging their arms around! What are we going to do!?
But what, what’s this?! Is that…is that imNOTjohn going into an inconspicuous telephone booth?! Oh there she goes! You know what that means right?
imNOTjohn, the super hero, to the super rescue!
“Yay!” the crowd cheers in bloody pain.
“Rawr!” the dinosaur yells as it throws an SUV over its head and onto the ground. imNOTjohn looses her balance and falls onto the floor after stepping out of the telephone booth in her casual attire and a cape.
She hops onto the lunch room bench, cape flowing in the wind.
“Halt lizard piece of shit!” she yells! She flies towards the belly of the beast with a battle cry that would strike fear into even the most violent warriors.
But what’s this? The dinosaur has a trick up its sleeve! It suddenly picks up imNOTjohn’s pet cow! Oh the humanity! Not an innocent cow!
imNOTjohn stops in midflight in defeat but quickly zaps the lizard with her shrinking powers! The lizard screams and shrinks, letting go of the cow. He falls but imNOTjohn’s quick reflexes catches the cow.
Now everyone is in debt to her and she is the coolest person ever. The end.
CollateralDamage did NOT write that…
Hagger and Me :D
Her idea of a post is to name it, “Life” and then continuously ramble “Haha’s” until the screen is full.
What a genius idea. Therefore, I think I will do that.
Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha… etc
Sunday, February 21, 2010
The Incredibly Busy program is Incredibly Busy
For once in all my sixteen years of breathing and polluting the world with CO2, I've finally put some effort into doing my math homework and studying. Guess what? I actually do have brain cells left over from the car accident! I actually understand everything. Take that identities, ha!
Saturday, February 20, 2010
All About...collateraldamage
Hello everyone~
'Tis cheerio here, live from the cereal box!
...that's a lie. We're actually out of cereal.
Anyways, as promised, I shall be profiling collateraldamage! Yay! Rah! Rah!
And, unlike my previous proclamation, I will not be doing legitimate, first-hand research from a primary source; oh no! Not I! I shall use all that I have been provided with in my brain!
Okay, so on with the profiling!
Name: It's in the name of the hotel and resort company Sheraton. And it almost sounds like the word "share". :)
Sex: She's a girl. No doubt about that. She's probably one of the more feminine girls in our group. Then again, we'd have to define the word "feminine". Not that I'm one to talk.
Age: Young. One of the youngest members who happen to be a part of T.E.A.C.U.P. Don't be fooled though. She's one of the most mature. Then again, that's not saying a whole lot. >____>
Favourite Food: Minimal amounts of junk (i.e. chicken feet, KFC chicken skin, Jamaican patties, etc.)
Favourite Colour: I don't actually know, but I'm assuming pastels. She most often wears pale pink, light green, baby blue, white. So there we go.
Political Views: I see her being a Left-Wing Libertarian. Why, you ask? Because she'd probably allow everyone to run around socially free, but is all for self-ownership and equal rights to money and whatnot. Yaaaaay...
Religious Views: Somewhere between "I don't believe in anything that cannot be scientifically proven" and "I'd like to believe in something greater, than this life, existing".
Pet Peeves/Things and/or people I dislike:
-immature arguing
-immature/unreasonable groups quick to protest against what they perceive to be a slight against their skin colour
-pretty/good-looking people who don't date
Ideal Boyfriend:
That pretty much sums it up. collateraldamage has a thing for pale, slim, baby-faced things that are supposed to (somehow) be in possession of both the x and y chromosome. (i.e. Kim Bum from Boys Over Flowers).
I rest my case.
P.S. You're next, imnotjohn, you immature, freakishly small acorn.
Friday, February 19, 2010
Welcome Back to me!
Well, I’m back from my two day break! Did you all miss me? I haven’t really had the opportunity to blog, mainly because I could not think of anything. However, I’m in English class right now and we have a free reading period for The Sailor Who Fell From Grace with the Sea and I finished it during the summer ;D. As we all know a lot of creativity can come out of boredom so I was hoping it would happen.
I actually have a lot of work I could be doing instead of this however, for once (I actually mean for once), I don’t feel like doing any work in class when we have free reign on what work we want to do.
Oh yeah! Tonight is the half excuse for a formal! I don’t understand why the Student Council decided to make it a Halloween themed party. In my opinion, a mask themed party would be better suited for a full FORMAL because with the masks, they never really match unless you have some wack dress or costume along side it. I don’t even think half the people who show up are going to be wearing masks just because it is not very good looking and it’s weird. I’m sorry DeezedGangstaBriyani that I’m complaining about all the hard work you and your political friends are planning.
Aside from the weirdness of the theme, I am actually excited. We never to do anything half-formal as this so it’s a one year opportunity, to hang out with your friends and dress up and act like adults (well for some people you get the sense of a bit of sophistication). To bad some people (*cough* shewhosleepswithstars *cough*) don’t enjoy these social events and decide to not participate (there is no way to cough her name without making it sound like a cough… maybe a sneeze…).
On another note, I love brackets… I mean those things () I always add into my sentences. When I was in grade nine and I learned I shouldn’t be using them in my essays, I was crushed… They make the extra crap you want to put in flow whereas, when you use commas sometimes it doesn’t look/sound right. As much as I try to avoid their use, no one is going to be marking my grammar so I can use as many as I want ;D (I misspelled grammar with Grammy… yes I thank you for the award ;P).
Since I was gone for two days, as I have already told cheerio, I feel like I need to make it up by making an extra long post. I’ve noticed my posts have lost all their humor D: What do you guys think? I guess it’s just because I have not been in a good mood lately… I don’t know why, it’s just a random loss of enthusiasm for life.
I am probably going to be super busy this weekend (period long seminar, and a 1200 word essay for HISTORY), so I won’t be posting for a bit. But knowing me, I’ll probably procrastinate and end up posting for fun anyways. Nonetheless, if I suddenly decided to be a good student and work, you won’t be hearing from me for a good amount of time. Hopefully, other people will be able to post instead.
See you next time!
- CollateralDamage
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Theory of Love
The hell is with the ToK assignment? Love? We’re already deteriorating every bit of truth we know and questioning it to the core and now we’re analyzing the concept of love?
I don’t write down what I thought of the person when I supposedly fell in this ditch we call “love” nor did I document my feelings that built up to the moment when I tripped. The hell does she want me to write?
I understand our quest for knowledge has to go “outside boundaries” (or at least that’s what I think she said) but you can’t analyze love. It’s just, love.
I never thought of how much I hate the sound. We should start calling love serendipity. “I fell into serendipity!” or “He and she are in serendipity~”, something along those lines.
Okay now it sounds like a name. “Hello my name is Serendipity. You may call me Seren or Dipity.” That’s awesome but now my examples from before sound dirty.
Alright back on the subject, what if someone didn’t fall in love or even know what love is. What do they do? Write about someone else who fell in love? Bullshit about their dream person and how it didn’t go so well? The concept of love is hardly something you can just say you fell in like mud. It’s a never ending ditch.
I really don’t like ToK, it and like all the other subjects I don’t like, it gives me hives D: <
And one last thing, using Romeo and Juliet as sub names are fake and gay.
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Comparative Essay
While cheerio and I were talking… in the middle of the night. I came to a realization that relationships are just like drugs…
Dramatized Comparative Essay (Mind you this is for fun and the actual format and diction might fail):
In modern society, having intimate relationships are common. In some cases, they can start as young as a a person’s pre-teen stage in life. Usually, these early relationships do not last, but as time goes by and as relationships past, people find the most agreeable person for them. Similarly, drugs also have the same characteristics. Experimenting with drugs can start just as young and there are different types you try until you stick with them. Both relationships and drugs create, psychological effects, resulting in, physical change, and finally, when you decide to quit, the recession from them are incredibly hard.
Firstly, when people experience relationships and drugs. There is a lot of psychological changes that occur. When one is in a relationship, it is easy to accumulate stress from the relationship. Different problems can occur resulting in stress. Similarly, drugs can cause stress. Problems that can occur could be a fear of getting caught taking drugs and being in a relationship, especially in the earlier stages of your relationship. In addition, both drugs and relationships cause a lack of concentration. Even when you are not “on them” the lack of them occupies your mind causing you to be unable to concentrate on your surroundings. There are many other psychological problems that can occur due to drugs and relationships.
Secondly, there are many physical changes that can occur through the engagement of both drugs and relationships. When one uses drugs, their are changes in their physical health and appearance. At the same time, when one is in a relationship, the pressure to change your appearance also appears. Another effect would be the change in mood during the use. When one is around both, they automatically go into a better mood, or in rare cases, a worst mood. Being engaged in a relationship causes your personality to change, more specifically, some females begin to become more feminine whereas, males also become more masculine. Drugs also cause personality changes, they can be more happy or more mean. Physical change is very apparent in the use of both.
Finally, the recession from both can cause great physical and psychological strain. Relationships are addictive as well as drugs. Without them, you feel incomplete and yearn for them. The first withdrawal is when the change is most evident. Their moods change greatly to great depression and on rare occasions it can cause death. The withdrawal is commonly very hard to face and sometimes psychological help is needed. The withdrawal period is similarly counted, drugs being of “clean” status and relationships being of “single”status. Overall, many people want to avoid the lost of both.
Drugs and relationships are very similar, and commonly referred to one another. They are sometimes very problematic however, by nature why we are drawn to them? The loss of them are more critical however, some people find are able to find a life long relationship that fills them with content until death.
I’m sorry my conclusion sucked. I was getting tired and running out of ideas.
Anyways, I hope you guys enjoyed my essay ;D
- CollateralDamage
PS too lazy to edit…
Monday, February 15, 2010
Lucky Number 13
Today is our blog’s 13th day since birth. Urgh, it’s a teenager, get ready for puberty! Mood swings, acne, and growth (and maybe a bit more perverted you know…)!
Anyways, I have always wondered why the number 13 is unlucky. In Chinese, the number 4 is unlucky because it basically sounds like “death” (don’t know the wacko who decided to call 4 death…). Say it’s unlucky, but like isn’t it a bit extreme that there are no 13th floors??? It’s like the ghost floor.
*Stares at floor number* 11… 12… 13… 14… WTF?
I decided to upload this post since I found my last one lacked any humor whatsoever (like I was ever funny in the first place… I like to dream I am okay?). And it seemed too short for my liking…
I did not do it simply to make the number of posts an even number *cough*.
Say, do you believe in ghosts? I don’t want to but somehow us humans have very irrational fears… I’m pretty certain there is no such thing as ghosts, but I’m always freaked and spooked by the idea… Typing this up at like 11:30PM when I’m about to go to sleep isn’t very smart right? But you know my post about the pillow fortress? I actually fear ghost more then live humans coming to hunt me down… I don’t know why but I’m more afraid of the supernatural then the criminal natural (I know that doesn’t make sense but bare with me). Like, when I go home at night, I’m not scared a criminal will go after a 5 foot 2 inches Asian girl like me, but I’m afraid a ghost will attack me… I’m weird I know.
Oh well, I’m tired from doing my practice exam. It wasn’t that it was hard, it’s just the Incredibly Busy program likes to play with words and that makes the questions evilly mislead us…
- CollateralDamage
Family Day, Quantity, and GOLD
Happy Family Day! I hope you are all spending your wonderful day with your family. If you are good for you, if you are not, you' are like me :P.
Today, I don’t have anything planned other then homework, this holiday is to spend time with your family and not have any work, but too bad I like to procrastinate. I am sorry for ruining the spirit ;P
Anyways, I have no idea what I’m going to actually write about and making this all up as a go.
Alright, I have a question. When it comes to things like this, what do you guys prefer? Quality or Quantity? When it comes to things I’m following (online internet stuff like videos and manga, etc.) I always like quantity rather then quality. I like having a lot of updates compared to little. I wouldn’t mind if the quality dropped because of that. It’s easy to forget storylines after a while and I like daily entertainment.
In other news, CANADA FINALLY WON A GOLD MEDAL AT HOME! You’d think we would have won one in the first few Olympics we’ve had… Thank you for tolerating my random outburst ;D
I noticed I use a lot of linking words…
- CollateralDamage
Sunday, February 14, 2010
All About...
Okay, so I was racking my brain for things to write about, and then, I thought why not profile every member of this blog (probably not the guest-writers), including myself!
Alrighty, so this may sound a bit like one of those trashy online-dating sites, but bear with me. (If not, we shall see what happens~ :3 I joke, I joke.)
Umm, so where should I start?
Name: Cheerio (if you want my real name, it's in the Holy Bible. That probably gave away a lot, considering deezedgangstabriyani's oh so eloquent poem...erm.)
Sex: Undecided. As of yet. (I jest. I'm a girl. Really.)
Age: I am at the age when I can drive, but not yet mature enough to study of my own accord to actually get my G1.
Favourite Food: Anything, everything. Unless it smells bad. Because that just tells me something's up. (And by bad, I do not mean foreign-bad; I actually mean I-haven't-practised-proper-hygiene-in-a-month bad. In other words, I-have-expired-food-in-front-of-me bad.)
Favourite Colour: Once again, pretty much everything. Except orange. And brown. And olive green...depending. Basically anything that reminds me of bodily excretions, I do not like.
Political Views: Oh! Oh! I just took a quiz in my World Issues class to find out my political beliefs! Apparently, I am Left-Wing Authoritarian. So I'm economically liberal (think: commie), but socially conservative. I'm like Joseph Stalin.
Religious Views: Presbyterian-Christian. (If anyone's read 'Crow Lake', you know it means we're very unemotional and traditional.)
Pet Peeves/Things and/or people I dislike:
-picky eaters (sorry collateraldamage, it's the only thing about you that makes me twitch D;)
-large cattle (I'm talking MASSIVE cows here)
-when bugs fly into your mouth (ever tried singing/screaming and something suddenly flies down your trachea mid-ah? I have.)
-repetition (whether I'm repeating myself or whether someone else is)
-bad grammer/spelling
*On a side note, I really like to argue and make fun of people. I also like speaking in multiple languages. At one time.*epicness**
Ideal Boyfriend: (And yes, I will be doing this for all of my fellow cups. Well, I might get gender-confused for some. But you get the idea. :3)
Ahem. My ideal boyfriend must...*drum-roll*...be manlier than me. Both externally and internally. Trust me, it's not as easy to find as you may think.
On another side note, I will be researching collateraldamage for my next "All About..." post. Looking forward to it~ *throws chocolate and hearts at readers* And wishing everyone a Happy Valentine's Day too!
Saturday, February 13, 2010
TEACUP has Gender Problems…
imNOTjohn and CollateralDamage were talking, and we noticed the “men” in TEACUP are really feminine…
- Greenpotatochip loves poetry
- DeezedGangstaBriyani has a very soft side
- iJohn is quiet and has very pretty PMs on MSN
While the “women” in TEACUP are somewhat masculine…
- shewhosleepswithstars constantly wants to be acknowledged as a boy
- imNOTjohn is very assertive and somewhat violent
- cheerio refuses to give into any relationship and very violent
- CollateralDamage is “an evil space monkey” and I have very depressing PMs
Yes, we are full of problems…
…But it is these problems that make us an amazing caffeinated drink holder thingy : D
Except iJohn, he’s like the crack.
- CollateralDamage and imNOTjohn
Friday, February 12, 2010
Pinatas Are For Pentagons
Tomorrow is my sister's fourteenth birthday party (or like, 6th because she was never a real party planner person) and I totally remember how she feels, as if it was only two years ago...
Another Poem Written in Class
I have lost my emotions
and miss them as they
fall into an abyss of oceans
as a needle in a hay-
stack rises as reincarnations
of once lost emotions
while I find my feelings
searching through oceans
so vast and blue slowly emptying
to reveal from it's solution
precisely what I was finding
my sentiments are now a clear emotion
and now I see through my heart the revelation
of a feeling reaching beyond the stars
a feeling alien to me as if I were from Mars
I revise this feeling to see its not an infatuation
Identity Crisis
Tis I, RetributiveJustice! I don’t like my display name anymore D;
I decided to change my name to “CollateralDamage” instead since “RetributiveJustice” is so serious sounding D; Now my name sounds a bit funny ;D
Anyways, I put this post to save me from going through ALL our posts and changing the little signature lines and every comment made about me. Even though I actually have time for that…
So yeah, I’d like to welcome DeezedGangstaBriyani to our team since he finally posted (*twitch*) and all his wonderful gangsta-ness (*twitch*).
No seriously, be ready. We are crazy amusing desultory people who don’t know how we got to becoming ‘one’.
Wait for it….
Just a little more while I fight writer’s block…
It all started out in le cafeteria… Well… not really… Well… we got together in the cafeteria but there’s more to the story…
And… I actually don’t know the entire story. I will talk to TEACUP about this and we will fo sho get a story up. I mean I know most of our history in terms of after cafeteria meeting, but before we were already in pairs, I have to get the info on that….
Anyways, I would like to thank shewhosleepswithstars for making our site a bit more appealing and feminine due to all the ESTROGEN since it seems the FEMALES post a lot more then the MALES.
OH OH OH!!! I have exciting news!!!
I did the dishes willingly for once ;D Those of you in TEACUP understand what I mean, I never do chores, so my doing the dishes on my own accord is new ;D
Anyways, live from New York City, it is:
- CollateralDamage
Thursday, February 11, 2010
YO MA HOMMIES ;D ! ouu whatcha sayyyy, [8]
guys guys D: i'm so late ! i'm sorry ! i'm a horrible blogger o_o" ! LOL
but anyways .
i guess all i hafta do is talk about random stuff o_o"
so yeah .
er.. this is hard .
uh ! uh ! uh ! uh !
uh - huh ! uh - huh ! uh - huh ! uh - huh !
*music starts playing*
YE . YE . YE .
Then shera come to me and be like 'WAH POP?!'
and i be like ' word '
and she be like 'where's dha blog post?!'
and i be like ' word '
and she be like ' do the blog post'
and i be like ' word '
and she be like ' your stupid '
and i be like ' word '
Then john n' nina come to ma crib .
and nina be like , 'yo , brutha, let's bake a cake, for heavens sake, cause we're not in a lake, so it might take, some time to bake this cake. then lets go outside and rake. the leaves that god decided to make'
and john be like ' pocky pocky pocky'
and i be like 'word'
uh huh ! uh huh ! yeah ! uh huh ! yeah !
And me n' hannah be chillin in dha , in dha, in dha hoooood .
and i be like ' waddap'
and she be like ' leave'
and ill be like 'naw'
and she be like ' kay im going, bye *leaves*'
ye . ye . ye .
And me vivek and kelly just be chlling,
the spliffs is what we be hitting .
naw b, im just kidding .
we be doing hwrk dawg .
and kelly goes ' i miss kau'
and i be like ' word '
and i be like 'word .'
and now that's my rap (: so awesome eh ?
but i suck at rapping, believe it or not , so ill write a poem too :] to make up for my horible rapping. ONE STANZA ONLY .
Distilled waters cry to me,
whispering melodies,
that cause the angels in my eyes leak Autumn-Blood.
But they scream the serenity of your omega,
sending poison through our veins,
while blackened honeysuckles start to sing my consummation.
the adventures of the macro setting
i realized i made quite the many spelling mistakes on my last post, which was kindly put up by justice. i also realized that i can never refer to any of the other "bloggers" by their full username, except for potato's. but it is so hard, because i have to remember all these words, and it's just...soo...confusing.
nonetheless, i have arrived from my dark hole to type out this post. i have some things to ..type about. firstly, i attempted to change up the layout of our blog. it didn't really change...a banner was added and colours were changed. that will be all.
secondly, or lastly (i haven't decided yet), i shall talk about the pictures potato and i took today. exhibit a is to the left. it is of a cheerio. or rather, two differently coloured cheerios almost merging together.. it creates a baby of two races. look. teacup is saving the world from racism, two abused cheerios at a time... (cheerio, on another note, is also a part of teacup... she is racist against her own race :D)
the second picture is of potato. i believe it is quite fitting once you think about his inability to be one race... yes ladies and gentlemen, if potato was play-doh, he'd be a mixture of TWO glorious colours. i, on the other hand, was made by two people who did not feel the need to bring to the world a child who, in the future, could be represented by two differently coloured cheerio halves put together. damn.
did i just talk about myself being "made" by two people?
anyway. the next picture...is... why, oh my goodness. what do you know. it's two pictures. look at my wide wide palm. that is terrifying. these pictures reveal potato's secret addiction to tylenol. yes.
all the pictures besides the one above have been taken by potato :D i took a picture of potato as he was writing a new poem. however that hand belongs to Mr. E, if anyone remembers him...? Yes. he wanted to be a hand model, or something.
lastly, a picture i took in french class. (i would also like to add, in my destructo post, i was in french class, not math o.o) i was drawing this while justice was answering dreaded french questions to the french teacher. it wasn't actually taken while i was scribbling... i just wanted the pen to make an appearance. BD justice gave me that pen yesterday >:D! then deezed, to save face, gave me his dixon classmate pencil. perhaps i will take a picture of that... another time.
my goodness. was that a very long post? i am sorry. no more posts from me for three weeks! *everyone cheers*. :D! (justice...why, hello there. are you glaring at me?)
from the sleeper.
hello. this is shewhosleepswithstars, in math class. justice and notjohn are with me, but oh so far away… however i am sitting with guywithlongeyelasheswhohasadeepvoiceandlookskindawhite and we are playing destructo. i know technically i’m pretty bad at this game because of my lack of creativity, but eyelashes has nicely asked me to play anyhow. he is good at this little game, and then i feel like a loser when it is my turn. that is okay, i suppose. i always have my other talents to fall back on…which is…
…anyway. today me and greenpotatochip took lots of pictures (what destroys indiana jones?) using the wonderful function of MACRO (which i always mispronounce). i love macro. it’s one of the only ways a digital camera can pretend to be an slr. speaking of slrs, i really need to develop my film… and i got it last christmas (eyelashes just made me kill myself T-T””)… i hope the film hasn’t expired yet o.o would i still be able to develop it anyway?
but yes. probably by this weekend i will post (in my actually account and not justice’s) something, with selected images from today :D.
whoops. the period is soon over. i shall go now. tomorrow my sister come home and i will make flan…
not a whore. :)
Sadab on teacups
ok its sadbob-gangsterpants with sexmaster-kellay
we be rockin it out all mornin long with our orgalicious Theory Of Knowledge class :D.
Yeah yooo, chilling foreal with my brown homie (: Yeee ;D Sadly, we don’t have food ):
well i provide sexmaster K with all the food she wants ;) but she doesnt let me eat…what a fatty D: but whatevs givin it doesnt feel so bad.
Doing Something Productive ;D
Today I basically have three periods to do my EE, in other words, three periods to talk to you people ;D This is what you consider productive socially and emotionally rather than academically.
I have sadbob-gangsterpants beside me ;P He was one of the only people able to correctly guess who everyone on our blog is ;D And apparently likes singing the Carebear theme song.
sadbob-gangsterpants: yo guys me and justice are chillin out in our english class during our temps de libre heheheheh yeah i can speak French
So this post is going to be one post that is really long depending on how bored I am.
You know. I was watching Oprah yesterday (NO COMMENT), and I’d realize how I’d hate to be Jesus. He has over 750,000 wives (nuns consider themselves his wives) and unable to do ANYTHING with them (if you get what I mean). He has to support them and listen to them all mumble at him everyday.
imNOTjohn: There’s something wrong with you, you’re going to hell
You know, I’d agree except I don’t believe in “hell.”
OMG! shewhosleepswithstars is actually working on her math review! Well she looks like she is… Oh look DeezedGangstaBriyani joined her, and they are reviewing. Totally a moment in history, those two together and working, usually they would do stuff that almost sound like mating calls but they have their own persons. (If I never post again suspect my murder by those two).
So right now I’m face to face (with netbooks between us) with imNOTjohn, she’s attempting to find some dirt on DeezedGangstaBriyani, not that it’s very hard, all you have to do is glance at him and something will be weird.
I think shewhosleepswithstars just faked a suicide attempt, the horrors of math ;P
I feel bad that I’m not taking the opportunity to work, again… So while I am typing this post, so is imNOTjohn, she’s at a writers block and claims she can’t people watch, but we all know every member of TEACUP can people watch.
I am hurt, DeezedGangstaBriyani has time to write a one page essay about how he can improve his grades for FUN but can’t seem to bring himself to write a paragraph for our blog.
This is going to be a long post of me rambling about different things, I’m just trying to make up for all our members who are not active.
shewhosleepswithstars is eating now, she gave up on studying and is instead eating, but still trying to work, good job for her…
shewhosleepswithstars: me and deezed guy do not make mating calls while we are with each other! they are war cries. that’s how i feel when i have to be in his presence… plus! yes thank you. i’m very good at math…
Yes, shewhosleepswithstars is so godly at math no one can begin to comprehend her…
Well afterschool, I went to CupCake1’s house to make cupcakes with CupCake2 (hence the names). Who ever thought baking could be so fun yet so tiring, we spent hours making love (as CupCake2 put it). Half of it was to SPECIALLY DESIGN the cupcake hearts. We failed a few times and ended up eating a bunch of them just because they seemed unpresentable.
Afterwards, we had another hour or so to kill so we decided to curl our hair with a hair straighteners… oh the IRONy (LMAO SOMEHOW THAT’S CRACKING ME UP, I know I’m lame…).
Anyways, I just discovered that CupCake1 is REALLY scary when eager, when she told me to “get up” so she can curl my hair FIRST, I cowered behind her 8 year old sister… ME BEHIND EIGHT YEAR OLD…Somehow, we got CupCake2 to go before me, so that was comforting.
(Anyways, if you hadn’t noticed, I deleted my original post about the love making and combined it with this one.)
I’d like to welcome Cheerio to the TEACUP team (FINALLY) at 12 o’clock midnight…
All for today!
- RetributiveJustice
My Rant Against Bladders
Okay, so it's my first post here, and the title says it all. Or not.
Now, since this does happen to be my very first post (and personal encounter with a blog, other than the times I happen to randomly stumble across such hoopla and whatnot), so I was wondering what I should write about; I figured, hey this is like my first impression, it has to be good.
I, apparently, during a first-time encounter, give off the aura of a typical, yet icy asian girl. (Adjectives I have gathered from friends and acquaintances...but I digress.)
Yes, so back to first impressions; I felt that I might as well be random and interesting, rather than normal and...well, icy.
So, bladders.
I liken them to be like balloons. Probably.
But you know what makes me mad? Mad, as in like "WHAT THE SHIT!" mad?!
Quite frankly, a lot of things now that I think about it. Like when you try to make a dramatic exit and you run into a table. Or when you eat an apple and the skin gets stuck in your teeth. Or when you're brushing your teeth and you swallow some nasty concoction of fluoride and saliva. Or when you try to help someone and they punch you in the eye.
And yes, all of the above have happened to me...although the eye thing really was just an accident.
Anyways, back on to bladders.
So, I'm sitting in front of this computer, and I have to go pee. Yes, yes, typical, right? WRONG.
Well, no. That actually was pretty much it.
Off and out, fellow cups. Don't drink too much. ;)
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
Poem I wrote in class
There when you're down
to make you laugh
and imitate a clown
in an empty cove
lighting it up like a town
and a beautiful dove
is coloured in as a proper noun
filling up with love
more precious than a crown
slips from your lips as a glove
that was once going to drown
surprisingly rises to solve
why you were down
Reaching up to a galaxy of butter
as it grows wings and becomes a butterfly
friends know what to utter
even from a mile away
to make you smile the way
you did as a child chasing flies
through a fire blossoming fireflies
that then fly into a cloudy sky
turning and swirling to the
earth's tranquil rhythm sweet like pie
filled with northern lights forming a path
to a friendship that will last forever
forever can never be over
People Watching in Theory of Knowledge
It looks like you guys are lucky because you’re getting two posts today. shewhosleepswithstars, Greenpotatochip, imNOTjohn and I are again in Theory of Knowledge, the only teacher who has actually given us time to work on our EXTENDED essay ;D I feel bad because I am not using the time wisely and actually work on my EE. I mean when a teacher is nice enough to give you time to work on something it just makes you feel all the more guilty when you don’t, I bet that’s their evil plan!
I’m sitting away from my fellow TEACUPs so I’m bored and somewhat lonely, but I’ve noticed I actually work much more harder in any class when I’m not with them (sorry TEACUP).
Greenpotatochip is chewing GUM! Don’t you remember those old days when your teachers would lecture you for doing that? Now they hardly care unless you are talking to them.
Now Greenpotatochip moved behind shewhosleepswithstars with nothing on his desk which makes it more obvious he’s not working and distracting her.
shewhosleepswithstars is flipping through her book (for her EE?) and talking to Greenpotatochip.
When I’m bored I people watch ;D
imNOTjohn just moved beside me to flirt with her person (I can’t think of any better name >.>).
Well this post is just me creepily people watching so it probably isn’t that fun. I feel like I’m writing a non-participant observation on the members of TEACUP.
It seems like shewhosleepswithstars is reading a part of her book to Greenpotatochip (damn people have really long names). Greenpotatochip seems bored and has a “wtf?” face, he’s not even paying attention to shewhosleepswithstars’ reading and is playing with his piece of paper
I’m completely ignoring imNOTjohn’s actions because I don’t want to observe their mating calls.
Oh no! Greenpotatochip noticed me looking at him! HE WAVED!!! ABANDON MISSION!!!
Well that was my period of people watching, see ya!
- RetibutiveJustice
“I do have stuff on my desk”(Greenpotatochip) – comment made after I showed them my ethnography.
TOK en Francais
It’s gross I know, but I’m so entertained. The combination of both seems to spark a fire in both the atheist members of our class and the God driven ones.
As I type, there are shouting voices that ask “Why would God let Hell rule over?” and voices that shout in return, “He wants a balance of good and bad!”
Oh the joy of class…
How did this start you ask? Well simply with a reading in our “Livre” that suggested our bodies are not what represent us.
“Nous ne sommes pas notre cours.”
Then some asshole decides to state God chooses what we look like and what we do and where we will be, of course sparking the entire discussion of God verses logic.
I think the real point of this post is the fact that our French class has turned into a really smart therapy circle. Unit Three is about therapy and you know, the boosting euphoria effects that are given from the intoxicating scents or the impossible positions in yoga. Seriously, French stresses me out, why are you giving me de-stressing advice in French?
That’s like burning more wood to put out a fireplace.
- imNOTjohn who is NOT very happy with this unit
Monday, February 8, 2010
The French are confusing people
Alright, let's start this. Hello devoted readers, not sure how many of you there are, but I'm going to assume 2 million give or take one person. As you may notice soon enough, I am not one of the original 7 who made this blog. I'm a VIP guest. Every now and then the blog will have a guest, hopefully it lasts long enough to be cool. So now onto my post. I had trouble thinking what to write about but after watching an hour and a half long movie on the French revolution, I think I'm gonna talk about that. What I found most interesting is Robespierre starting off with the most noble of intentions and ending up well killing a shitload of innocent people. Yeah that storyline is quite typical nowadays, but this was pretty much the first time a person of fully noble intents ended up so horrible in history. I found this to be quite interesting. This event was world renown and probably stopped a lot of other great leaders from making this mistake. World history altered at this event. K so getting a bit less philosophical I realize that on my spare time I write about stuff like the French Revolution, which indeed is quite sad. With that said, I'm gonna leave you all with a thought, can all of our ethics be derived from pure thought without any historical interference?
~ Mr.E
Sunday, February 7, 2010
TEACUP and Radio…
OMG Its hardly been a week and we already missed a day for posting *gasp* That’s not great guys. LOL It's not that serious, but seriously we should have 7 members, meaning technically, each of us only have to post once a week for this to be a daily thing (well I'd like to think daily means that it'll stay alive). I was intending to post yesterday but I didn’t want to post twice in a row but now I feel like it doesn’t really matter if I do. I was actually waiting for another member of TEACUP, a new blogger, DeezedGangstaBriyani to post, but he got carried away with his political lovers.
Oh yeah, just to mention, TEACUP is actually how we refer to ourselves by in real life too ;P. Funny how it started, at first we were just a bunch of friends getting tired of calling ourselves “The Group” (cause we know how lame that was). And set ourselves on discovering a new name to describe our “uniqueness.” At first we were going to just think of a random name but we decided to use abbreviations. After a lot of blood, sweat, laugher, debates and fails, [CENCORED] came up with TEACUP ;D.
By the way, CENCORED is only going to be used until the damn people make a penname.
Somehow I came to talking about TEACUP when I originally wanted to bring up radios. Oh well, I still have time, don’t you hate it when the radios constantly play the same songs over and over again in a day? Not even that, they play the same songs for like months EVERY SINGLE DAY AT THE ALMOST THE SAME TIME. I mean for people who like the songs, I guess it’s alright, but what about the songs you can’t stand? I hate it when songs I don’t even like get stuck in my head (rah-rah-ah-ah-ah, roma-roma-ma). I mean if people seriously wanted to listen to the same songs over and over, they should just like download them! On iTunes of course…
Meh despite that, I love radio <3. The commentaries are sometimes actually funny and I understand that in the end the songs are just there because they are popular. If I really have a problem I should just stick with my iPod (but the radio gives me a chance of listening to songs that I like but are too afraid to admit and make it sound like I have no choice ;P).
Oh well, that was probably my longest post yet, BYE BYE!
- RetributiveJustice
Friday, February 5, 2010
Selling OneNote
I decided to switch Windows Live Writer for Microsoft Office OneNote. It is so amazing! Not only does it make note taking incredibly easy, it does almost everything Microsoft Office Word can do, it automatically saves (so no more lost documents), you can save more then one "document" (referred to as page), no more wasting space for hundreds of separate Word documents, it has a cool screen shot camera and finally it can also blog! That's right people! All this and more when you use Microsoft Office OneNote!
Naw, I have just been obsessed with using it since I figured out how to (I've had it for three years and hardly ever used it till now). And I'll probably return to Windows Live Writer once I'm over my OneNote hype. I only noticed it when I saw DeezedGangstaBriyani use it. Has that ever happened to you? Owning something and finally only discovering it's use like a while later (three years might be too extensive)?
- RetributiveJustice
P.S - Sorry this post lacked humour D;
Thursday, February 4, 2010
Bodies! Oh my god, bodies!
This is a response to RetributiveJustice's post which states I was excited - which was true of course but the fact that there were God damn fetuses almost made me cry. Seriously, the motherly instincts I thought I didn't have made me really emotional guys. I need hugs ):
Morning Rant
Hey y’all! It’s RetributiveJustice up and ready to head to school for our body worlds field trip except it is… 7:12AM… For some reason whenever I sleep before 11PM, I end up waking up multiple times in the middle of the night and after my 5:00ish wakening, I just give up trying to go back to sleep and just get up…
Oh well, the extra time can be for me to mentally and physically prepare myself for SheWhoSleepsWIthStar’s excitement. Usually it includes:
- Frantically Screaming
- Grabbing onto people’s arms and shaking them uncontrollably
Anyways, imNOTjohn is pretty excited for this trip to and apparently doesn’t find the idea of these bodies being actual real life bodies creepy, and she actually finds it cool… Doesn’t anyone else find that creepy? I mean you’re literally staring into SOMEONE’S ripped apart body for all the world to enjoy… How did they convince people to agree to that? I was always scared of all this biology stuff we were learning about our bodies… I find it scary how this is all in our body and frankly I’m okay with ignorance.
Enough about bodies because I don’t want the end of my post to be so dead (I know it’s a lame joke). I will leave y’all with… writer’s block… YES I SHALL LEAVE YOU WITH WRITER’S BLOCK!
- RetributiveJustice
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
Against my will
It has come to my attention that I am being FORCED to make a post on this...useless thing you call a 'blog'...You're all terrible mean and evil...and diabolical..and...hopeless..and troublesome and...MEAN. But yes...I come to say one thing and that is...You're all idiots.
Blog Whore Moment ;D
I feel like such a blog whore D; But it’s the excitement of a new thing right? Plus every time we receive a positive comment my heart just flutters *-*
Anyways, I was looking around the blog stuff and I noticed iJohn joined our party! Except you’ll probably never hear from him because (*cough* HE IS A LOSER THAT DOES NOT APPRECIATE OUR EFFORTS OF A GROUP PROJECT! oops caps ;D*cough*) he is too busy with his SPEEDY program. But who needs him? Sooner or later all of the members of T.E.A.C.U.P will join and we wont need him to fulfill our plan of ruling the world one post at a time MUAHAHAHA!
Enough about our evil plans, SheWhoSleepsWithStars (hereby referred to as SWSWS [I just noticed the pattern *-*] when we get tired of writing her long name) and I noticed that we feel so cool when we refer to ourselves by our nicknames rather than our real names (please refrain from calling us losers). It gives us an air of mystery teehee. We hope to keep our real names secret from the many stalkers on the internet (YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE!) but most likely, the people who read this actually know us in real life, so just figure out who is who.
Now for my discovery of the day (disregard every single discovery up there), I realized that when I sleep I barricade myself with pillows, for example, two side my main pillow and two beside my body). It’s like I expect a murderer to come into my room in the middle of the night and kill me, except no I HAVE MY PILLOW FORTRESS! Meh. It’s just a habit I have, but now I feel uncomfortable without any extra pillows around ;P How about y’all?
Anyways, hopefully this post has filled my craving for blogging today! Au revior!
- RetributiveJustice
Questioning Knowledge in Theory of Knowledge
hello. this is she who sleeps with stars. sadly, the title of this post is lying to you. i can’t talk about theory of knowledge and how i question it because i only listen to people, nod, and their opinions become mine. no wonder i’m only getting a 73 in that class… ._.
today me and justice are in class and i’ve turned 15 for the third time. it’s quite exciting since i’ve never experienced something like this before. i feel alive and un…jaded. we should all go jump out of an airplane. with a parachute ready, of course.
tomorrow we are all going to body world. even the physics kids, i think. me and justice are going to (justice says i should say “justice and i”, so: justice and i are going to) stick to each other like glue and watch bodies with awe and awe-someness. this means i’m going to point at female organs while justice points at male ones. this is a good plan.
okay. i am done. hopefully everyone likes my first post so i can finally be popular…
-she who sleeps with stars..
ps. nvm about tok. i am a tok genius. yes. (and justice rolls her eyes)
Second, Just as Yay.
Oh gosh, I have been elected to post the second blog post? You serious? I am so greatful to have this honor bestowed on me!
Someone (Most likely [CENSORED]):You weren't "bestowed"! You just woke up early before anyone else to post this!
Shut it! I am greatful and honored D; ! I will now give my acceptance speech! Hurrah! :D
But really, it's so awesome we got a blog now. It's a pretty easy thing to use so hopefully we'll stick with it for a long time. I have this urge to start playing around with the HTML and decorate our blog with an awesome background and add songs or something like it was Zuup all over again.
Psh, that's so grade seven though. I've matured since then (y)
Anywho, it's 8:39. I should really get ready because I have to be there at 9:15 today. Grr! My lack of sleep frustrates me! I shall leave on a good note and a question :D How much sleep do you usually get? ;O If you're like [CENSORED NAME] you get like what? Three hours? No I kid, he get's a solid four hours. I get about six to seven but I'm always cranky when I wake up like I throw things (mostly my alarm clock).
Have I told you guys I have this habit of waking up for about three seconds just to throw my arm over my head to press the button and then go back to sleep with absolutely no memory of it ever happening? This is why I use my iPod as an alarm at 6:30 am and then my normal alarm at 7am ):
Anywho, I should get going, my pj's feel funny.
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
First Post = Yey!
Well, looks like I’m up first ;P It’s funny, we have been planning this forever and we finally (*cough* I *cough*) took the initiative to actually make an account. Let’s just hope it actually lasts unlike our other failed attempts at our lovey dovey group stuff.
I’m actually using Windows Live Writer, I don’t know about you guys, but to me there’s just something epic about using another program to replace the “normal” thing you would use. Like I mean the format for posting a blog on this ain’t that pretty ;P I don’t even use the normal email sites, I just replace it with Windows Live Email… (seeing a pattern here?)
Windows just makes everyday things more pretty <3
(Millions of objections inserted here, windows is a failure… blah blah blah) IT’S AN OPINION!
Well, I would continue but I actually have a bed time (or a time I’d prefer to sleep so I don’t act dead tomorrow). Lets wish ourselves luck and that we actually pull through and not be failures!
- RetributiveJustice
P.S - My name does not mean I'm a serious critical of society freak ;D