imNOTjohn here with super awesome updates from my exciting life and an inside joke I remembered while walking home Thursday that you guys might or might not remember. Not really sure but whatever.
But yes, let's start with business! Updates, updates, updates.
1. My "Iowa Adventures" (TM) have been post phoned for now because my sister won't take her stupid butt off the computer and my other computer exploded. Oh and the other, other one just isn't connected and I can't figure out a way to install the wireless devil. >:l
2. I found a new band called ASH. Here's a link that goes to my favorite song by them, clicky click!
Oh and here's some lyrics to take up space.
Light up, spark the detonator
Now I'm homeward bound, way to see you later
If you make that step you're the instigator
Got my mind made up, I'll be your navigator
If you want me to travel over moonlit miles
For a precious smile
Following my lonely heart
Call on me, take me...
3. I was sick for like, two weeks but I'm now 5000%. Apparently, because I'm suddenly seeing sunlight again (exercising), I've developed some weird sore muscle or inflammation in the middle of my chest that causes excessive pain to my throat and about everything that passes through that area (breathing, eating, drinking). So for about two or so weeks, I've had trouble breathing and eating. I think I lost like, five pounds because I had to eat nothing but congee.
Funny thing is, the first week my doctor said it was just throat infection. Sadly, that was from the dirty pool water I swallow every Saturday (not on purpose) so they didn't figure out what was wrong with me until a week later (after the infection went away).
4. I'm officially allergic to scratches. If you could see my arm right now, you'd think I'd have a tumor in it.
That's it for updates :D! Now back to the inside joke thingymabobber.
I was walking home Thursday and I was being really childish (picking flowers, trying not to step on cracks etc.) and then I walked passed that park with the shed. The one with the see-saw and the swings.
Yeah, you know what I'm talking about. In grade 9 we made up this joke that this park was basically what went on inside my head and the shed was entirely full of drugs like Tylenol because I got headaches frequently.
And I don't know why we made this up or what type of drug we were on but seriously, I think that shed made my day.
LOL Glad you're back in full health ;D the 5000% thing scares me though...