Wednesday, March 10, 2010


I remember when I was eight, my friend and I were playing in their backyard when her father decided to take out the trash.  We noticed at the bottom of the outdoor trashcan that there were maggots at the bottom.  My friend’s dad decided it would be funny to say, “That’s how rice looks like after you leave it in the garbage for a while.” 

It freaked the heck outta me and since then I had an irrational fear of maggots in rice… or if I leave rice alone for too long it’d turn into maggots…

Anyways, I have a lot of irrational fears but I’m not gunna expose all my fears to you stalkers just yet ;D

Well that way my little story for the day!

- CollateralDamage

1 comment:

  1. ...well they sure do look a lot like grains of rice
